0211 Tipping Flusher UFT-FluidFlush
Intended Purpose
CSO tanks are filled up by storms typically about 50 times a year. After each filling, the settled sludge must be removed as soon as possible to prevent it from rotting.
A very effective way of automatically cleaning rectangular basins is to flush them with a strong surge of water with the aid of a UFT-FluidFlush Tipping Flusher after the tank has emptied.
Tipping flushers require some drop height, but only a small volume of flushing water and very little external energy to clean the tank.
Properties of the Tipping Flusher UFT-FluidFlush
- low external energy demand
- powerful, short, singular rinsing flush wave
- small flushing water volume required
- low noise emission
- large flushing distance up to 100 m
- large span possible up to 12 m, depending on tipping volume
- balanced, smooth movements
- automatic reset from any position
- maintenance-free lightweight construction with circular cross-section made of stainless steel
- weight of the water filling up to 10 times greater than weight of empty flusher
- reliable design method
- more than 1.700 references worldwide