0241 ‘Iron Monk’ UFT-FluidMonk
Stormwater Retention Basins at Traffic Areas
For reasons of traffic safety, rain runoffs must be quickly drained from the surface of motorways, federal highways, district roads and other traffic areas. If the open waters cannot absorb the heavy rain runoff, retention basins with very restricted discharge are required.
For economic and ecological reasons, the basins are often arranged "close to nature" in earthwork with permanent water level in natural sinks next to the traffic routes. They usually have a threefold function. They are designed to retain the peak discharge by intermediate storage, to clarify the water by settling the sediments and to collect up to 30 m3 of petrol or oil in the event of an accident. For this reason, the reservoir is divided into two sections for treatment and storage.
Monk structures made of concrete in or behind the embankment are often too large and complicated to construct compared to the flow, hydraulically not well designed, difficult to access, not very reliable in operation, not resistant to ice and frost, not self-explanatory and - unfortunately often ugly!
The 'Iron Monk'
The ‘Iron Monk’ is a new type of outlet and weir structure for stormwater retention basins, completely prefabricated in the factory from stainless steel and ready for operation. It has an outlet flow control, an overflow with upstream scum board and optionally a coarse bar screen. The prefabricated monk is placed using a crane, aligned and bolted on a foundation prepared on site. The free-standing device is accessible via a footbridge. It directly indicates the position of the pond outlet, e.g. for emergency personnel in the case of an oil spill. The pulpit invites passers-by to stop for a visit.
Properties of the 'Iron Monk' UFT-FluidMonk
- appealing design
- fast assembly on site
- modular construction from different units
- large variation in flow capacity
- easily accessible
- reliable
- integrated screen for trapping of coarse material